Tuesday, 16 January 2007

Hand In Hullabaloo

hullabaloo - oooo!

So many contradicting ideas; first it's 1.5 spacing, then it's double, then it's 1.5 again.
Do we hand in two copies of everything? I hope not, I'm seriously running out of ink and money to pay for ink. Do we have to hand in all drafts of everything? OTT alert, OTT alert.

I hate feeling like don't know what's going on, especially when this semester counts for some of the over all MA marks. But then none of us really know what's going on and when we talk about it, we upset each other by contradicting other peoples industrious flow. I'm steaming away to get everything finished tonight, my brain aches to do something other than self assess. I know it's important to know what 'needs to be improved', and 'what the best features are', but I really resent having to devote 3000 words towards it and weeks worth of my valuable time. Time that should be being spent on much more important things like MA proposals and work experience letters.

Aside from that I'm very lucky to be sitting alone at home, with very few distractions for a change. The tension here is anything but serene at times. Might still have another hour before the troops arrive, and I'll have to pack up shop and move upstairs where I can concentrate. Kellie split up with Rob on New Years Day, and ever since then, there has been a strange dichotomy emerging in their relationship.

Rob is a lazy sloth. He works from 7.30 til 4.30 as a gardener every day and then comes home, sits in his chair, moans, and then goes to bed. Kellie is the complete opposite, she's charismatic, untamed, passionate and uninhibited. She deserves so much better, and after seven years of on-off bouts with Rob, she's decided enough is enough.

But Rob won't move. He's stuck to his chair, stuck to his memories of Kellie and he just cannot see that she's not coming back to him. Ever. So here's me in the middle, kind of siding with Kellie, but feeling sorry for Rob and his uselessness. I hear their ravenous arguments day in, day out and secretly wish Rob would just give up hope and leave.

The most outrageous fight happened the other night, whilst I was cooking. Kellie had put on a CD of classical music, Bach, or something. It was very loud, just like Kel, she was singing and whistling along intermittently, (I've never heard a women produce such a beautiful array of sound), then Rob came home. The voices rose with the crescendos of the music, I could hear their din well above the strings and piano. It was almost comedy; apart from the obscene language and the threats.

Since the initial break up, what, two weeks ago - I've witnessed Robs attempts to rejuvenate himself, to prove to Kel that he's worth keeping. Piles of Multi-Vits, aftershave, new clothes and he quit smoking for all of three days! What a man. He's even concocting a TV production business plan with his (last thalidomide baby) friend Tim.

Kellie is obviously pleased for him, but he mistakes her cheerfulness as a come-on and tries to kiss her, or huddle her. Why are some men so dense? I can see from her body language, and by the fact that she sleeps in her son's room instead of his that she ain't happy - why can't he see? She's moving on, moving up. She's back in the gym every other day, also taking vitamins and buying new clothes. She's quit smoking: for real. Two weeks and two days - she's determined.

Kel's waiting. She's had enough, he's eating up her space with his smelly grass stains and dribbled conversation. Leave, leave - please Rob. We'd be a great unit without him. Me, Kel and Oscar. There'd be no arguments, just fun-fun-fun! At the moment Kel can cope with Rob's presence because he's bringing in a third of the rent, but I know there's going to be a show-down soon and it's going to be big and messy.

I know that he's hit her before, so there's no reason why that won't happen again. But I know Kel can give as good as he can give, I think she's so much stronger than him in every way.

What a couple, what a situation, what a story!

I need to base a story on this!