Today, I went to a car booty just outside of Taunton - not a complete waste of time, but it wasn't quite as rewarding as I'd hoped. We found a number of figurines, but no matching tea sets or interestingly naff condiment dispensers. It is a bank holiday weekend though, so we're off again a bit further afield tomorrow for the rest of the prop list... lets hope there's some buried treasure. And at least these treasures come at 50p or £1 max, so it's not such a drag to keep hold of such tat - sorry Gordon, I love you really!
Below is Ermintrude, and she figures in one of the most important scenes. She is intact here, but a young couple later break her head off in the heat of a passionate, and slightly violent embrace.
We may use this set of figurines (below) for the final scene, when Gordon fight over them, but I think we will need copies of these if we want to do the scene in more than one take... oops, didn't think about that!
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