Monday 15 August 2011

Rogue Knitting

I know that rogue knitting is not exactly a new phenomenon, but I'm delighted to be experiencing it first hand in Bristol.

For those unacquainted with knitters of the rebel variety - it basically entails people with a penchant for anarchy and goodwill leaving little yarn-based presents attached to everyday street furnishings... ie: lamp posts, benches and railings.

The first piece of rogue knitting I encountered here was in Stokes Croft: A rainbow band embellishing a lamp post just below eye-level. Aha! Good work, a bit like graffiti artists: you've managed to give the city a unique piece of art without shoving morals or ethics down people's throats. It's funny, quirky and completely harmless. I love the thought of gangs of Bristolian knitters patiently waiting till the clubs have closed and the streets are clear to sneak out and twitch their needles ferociously huddled around a lamp post. Perhaps I should try and make a documentary about them - reach the inner-circle, become initiated. How hard could it be to infiltrate such a clan? I can't imagine that they'd make me take a fraternity test.

The second example of rogue knitting I've encountered was just the other day, up the top of Redland Road. When my phone won't give me enough signal to take a call or receive messages (which is 99% of the time), I hike up the hill. There's a small park with a few benches lining the grass looking across the city. As I passed the last one, I noticed a white mouse sitting on a pink sleeve, woven around the arm of the bench.

A mouse you say? Yes, a little white (knitted) mouse with little pin-prick black eyes. He was facing the view, stationed on a soft pink blanket. How romantic, though he could have done with a little chum, non? I will go back and take a picture as soon as I've bought batteries for my camera - I hope he doesn't fall prey to vandalism or cat-attack in the meantime.

Watch out rogue knitters - I'm determined to catch you at it now!

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